Read below to hear what my clients have to say about my work, and for my coaching FAQ.
I provide leaders with the environment, intimacy, accountability, and performance needed to empower the lives of thousands and millions
of people.

“Franzi is a wise soul and the perfect guide for leaders who are looking to dig deep. She is authentic and intuitive, and she somehow senses just where to push to drive new reflection and insight.”
Founder, CEO
“Franzi helped me lean into my strengths, understand and accept my weaknesses and history. generally been super available and supportive during times of turmoil, when I benefited from someone to brainstorm and reflect with.”
Music Entrepreneur
“Franzi’s coaching, advice, and blend of insightfulness and wisdom have been very meaningful in helping me create a recent shift in perspective. I highly recommend working with her.”
David Fox–Estrin | Founder & CEO, Together We Remember
Kyle Henry | CEO, Tune
Coaching FAQ
When people are interested in coaching, they ask me all kinds of questions.
Here are answers to the most common ones.
Sessions happen weekly or bi-weekly, and are 60-90 minutes depending on what you need.
In the first 4 weeks we always meet weekly to build trust, get to know each other, and build somatic intimacy. By somatic intimacy, I mean that there is a certain type of awareness and vocabulary we need to help you develop so that we can easily drop into our sacred container together any time on any day and rapidly be on the same page.
Each session is highly contextual, and no one session is the same as the last. Sometimes we start with breathwork or a centering practice. Sometimes we dive right in and talk through urgent business issues. Sometimes you come with emotional needs so we prioritize the felt experience with somatic intelligence work, identifying and working through your stuckness. Often conversations that appear to be about seemingly unsolvable business dilemmas (e.g. board conflict, senior exec retention, investor negotiations) end up getting resolved by us working through self-limiting beliefs, self-destructive behaviors, stored emotional trauma, and other aspects of your life that normally wouldn’t be considered “business.”
In my 1:1 work, the average client stays longer than a year. This is a journey and we are a team. -
This is a coaching relationship. I am your guide, coach, space holder, your accountability partner, someone who kicks you in the butt. But you also need to show up, do the homework I give you, and commit fully to the growth journey.
Above everything, this relationship is one that creates belonging, safety, and dignity so that you can understand yourself better without judgment, explore freely the potential of who you’re becoming, and create the capacity for skillful action in your life.
We also laugh a lot and have a really good time. -
I became a coach because coaches came into my life at times when I needed them and it made all the difference. I’m human, so I know we all have wounds we need to heal from, we all have desires and visions we want to bring into existence. There’s nothing more unfortunate than cheating the world of your full potential because you never got the chance to feel a deep sense of safety, dignity, and belonging. I bring safety, dignity and belonging back to leaders so that they can bring those gifts to their people, cultures, and organizations, and to the world that my children will grow up in.
This is my life’s work. I embody this work: it is an extension of my soul. It is what I live and breathe. I have been to the darkest depths and the highest peaks. I’ve benefited from a wide variety of healing techniques, and now use many of them in my work with clients. Even though I’ve taken many courses and read hundreds of books, I continue to pursue coursework, read daily, journal daily, write weekly essays, meditate daily, take nature baths daily, work out daily. And I’m surrounded by other mentors and coaches who want to see me grow and succeed. As I said, this is my life’s work.
It’s all one. Your business outcomes depend on your personal development. Your personal development depends on your ability to think clearly, make sound decisions, and honor your body for the intelligence it’s offering. If you can’t lead from a place of holistic integrity, you’re always going to be performing instead of leading.
If you’re asking this, you may want to reflect on your relationship with asking for help in your life. You get very far in your career as an individual contributor and mid-level manager without asking for help. But if you want to grow your influence in the world, you’ll need to understand that it’s the best team that wins.
If you’re asking this question, I’d also advise that you perform a quick inventory (just rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 5) as to how you’re doing in the various dimensions of your holistic health: mental, emotional, physical, relational, environmental, existential. If you’re a 4 or a 5 in every area of your life and don’t anticipate any major challenges in the next phase of your life, then maybe you don’t need a coach. But if you’re imbalanced or approaching any ambitious undertakings, then you may want to consider getting a coach. A coach is someone who’s dedicated toward your wellbeing and you thriving in life. Every session is dedicated to holding space for you and only you. This is extremely rare in our performance obsessed world, especially for leaders with demanding schedules.
Final note here. Leadership is a lonely art. Everything stops with you. Every decision. Every paycheck. Every cultural brushstroke. Sometimes you just need a different person next to you to be an extension of you and show you who else you can be! To help you ideate vividly a future version of yourself free of any preconceptions, self-limiting beliefs, or past habits. Sometimes you just need someone to help you become who you need to become. -
If you jump on a discovery call with a coach it feels like you’re being sold something, then that should be a red flag. But if you talk to a coach and they’re truly meeting you where you are, asking you questions you might not otherwise ask yourself, can relate to your set of life circumstances or business circumstances without projecting, and can show that they’ve produced transformational results for people like you, then they might be a good choice. You’ll feel it - trust your instincts.
No. My mission is “leadership that heals the world” and my impact model is “one to few to many”, so I tend to focus on supporting clients who are leading large teams and organizations doing cutting edge, influential work that shapes society.
But I’ve worked with other types of clients, too. The most important factors for success in our work together are that regardless of your path in life: a) you see a greater vision for yourself and don’t want to live your life wondering whether you could have done more, b) you feel your wounds, don’t know how to get rid of them, and are ready to do the inner work.

Traditional accountability coaching can take you from A to B, but transformational healing makes that progress irreversible because you’re reimagining the relationship you have with yourself - you’re reimagining your identity, and that’s behind every part of how you interact with the world.
I am not your guru.
I’m THE MIRROR who lets you see different versions of yourself.
I’m THE SHERPA who brings you back to your mental balcony.
I’m THE GUIDE who gets you out of your head and back into your body.
And I’m THE HUMAN who holds sacred space for you, holds your hand, and reminds you you’re not alone—that we’re all just here to walk each other home.
I’m THE INTELLECTUAL SPARRING PARTNER in your corner working through important business challenges, calling you on your bullshit, holding you accountable, and giving you tough love when you need it.

Nervous System Regulation
Radical Self-Inquiry
Where to learn more about my work.